Byung Sun Chun
- Ph.D. Thesis
Characteristics of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions Comprising Ferromagnetic Amorphous NiFeSiB Layer - Mar. 1993 - Feb. 1999
B.S., Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., KU - Mar. 1999 - Feb. 2000
LG Siltron Inc. - Sep. 2000 - Aug. 2002
M.S., Metallurgical Eng., KU - Sep. 2002 - Feb. 2006
Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Dec. 2006 - July. 2007
Device Research Center, UCLA - July. 2007 - June. 2009
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland - July. 2009 - Feb. 2010
University of Idaho, Idaho, U.S. - Present
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science

Gun Hyung Park
- M.S Thesis
Exchange coupling and magnetoresistance characteristics of bottom-type synthetic ferromagnet based spin-valves - Mar. 1993 - Aug. 2000
B.S., Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., KU - Sep. 2000 - Aug. 2002
M.S., Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., KU - Sep. 2002 - Aug. 2004
University of Michigan - Jan. 2005 - Oct. 2010
Samsung Life Insurance - Nov. 2010 - present
Miirae Asset Financial Group

Jeong Suk Park
- M.S. Thesis
Parametric sensitivity analysis on the giant magnetoresistive characteristics and study on bias point control of synthetic antiferromagnet-based spin-valves - June. 1996 - Feb. 2002
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2003
M.S., Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., KU - Mar. 2003 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

In Chang Chu
- M.S. Thesis
Magneto-electronic properties of CoNbZr-based magnetic tunnel junction with nano-oxide layer insertion - Mar. 1993 - Feb. 2002
B.S., Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., KU - sep. 2001 - Aug. 2003
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2003 - Feb. 2008
Ph.D., Tohoku University - Mar. 2008 - Aug. 2011
LG Elite - Sep. 2011
3M - Present
Hyundai Motor Company

Han Joo Lee
- M.S. Thesis
Spin transport in a lateral spin-injection device with an FM/Si/Fm junction - Mar. 1996 - Feb. 2000
B.S., Div. of Material Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2000 - Aug. 2003
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Aug. 2003 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Present
Small & Medium Business Corporation
jong Wook Park
- M.S. Thesis
A study of the structural properties of intermediate layer at perpendicular magnetic recording - Mar. 1998 - Feb. 2001
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2004
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2004 - Aug. 2007
Ehwa Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. - Sep. 2007 - present
LG Chem, Ltd.
Min Sung Song
- M.S. Thesis
Study on the Enhancement Bias Voltage Dependence in Double Magnetic Tunnel Junctions comprised of Freelayers with an Amorphous Ferromagnetic Layer insertion - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2003
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2005
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2005 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Il Sang Yoo
- M.S. Thesis
Analysis on the Magnetization Reversal of Ferromagnetic Multi-layered Structures Using Micromagnetics - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2003
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2005
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2005 - Jul. 2006
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - Aug. 2006 - Sep. 2007
LG Electronics Co., Ltd. - Mar. 2011 - present
College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University
Currently working as a pharmacist after the graduation
Yun Ki Lee
- M.S. Thesis
Influence of Freelayer in Magnetic Tunnel Juntion on Switching of Submicrometer Sized MRAM Arrays - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2003
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2005
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2005 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Byung Seok Oh
- M.S. Thesis
Study on the Synthesis of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes using Electron Beam Resist with Catalyst Precursor via Direct Lithographic Route - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2003
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2003 - Aug. 2005
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Aug. 2005 - present
Jin woo Cho
- Ph.D. Thesis
Hydrothermal synthesis and morphology control of ZnO nanowire arrays for energy harvesting applications - Mar. 1993 - Feb. 1995
M.S., Dept. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2005 - Feb. 2012
Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - present
KETI (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Joon-young Soh
- M.S. Thesis
A Study on the Formation Mechanism of the Cu-AlOX Nano-Oxide Layer for Current Perpendicular to Plane Spin Valves - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2004
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2006
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2006 - present
Seung Pil Ko
- M.S. Thesis
Control of Magnetic Behavior in Magnetite Nanostructures and Synthesis of Monodisperse Magnetite Nanoparticles - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2004
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2006
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2006 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ji Ung Cho
- Ph.D. Thesis
Investigation of Spin Transfer Torque Magnetization Switching in MgO Barrier Based Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with NiFeSiB Amorphous Layers - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2004
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2006
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2010
Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2010 - Jun. 2014
Post Doc. Course, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MSE - Jul. 2014 - present
Senior researcher, Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI)
Ji Hyun Min
- Ph.D. Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical separation and therapy - Mar. 1998 - Feb. 2003
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU
B.S., Div. of Electrical Eng., KU - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2006
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2012
Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Aug. 2007
Seoul Science Fellowship - Feb. 2009
The Korean Intellectual Commissioner's Award(2009 Campus Patent Strategy Universiade) - Mar. 2012 - Aug. 2013
Researcher in Pioneer Research Center for Biomedical Nanocrystals -
Sep. 2013 - present
Samgsung Advanced Institute of Technology
You Song Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Study on the Magnetic Properties of CoFeSiB/Pt Multilayers - Mar. 1997 - Feb. 2005
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2005 - Aug. 2007
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2007 - present
Hynix Semiconductor Inc.
Se Dong Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Simulation Study of Domain Wall Behaviors in Magnetic Nanostrip - Mar. 2001 - Feb. 2005
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2005 - Aug. 2007
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2007 - present
Hynix Semiconductor Inc.
Ju Hun Lee
- M.S. Thesis
The synthesis, structure, and properties of Fe-Au nanowires - Mar. 1999 - Feb. 2006
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2008
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2019
Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, San Diego - Sep. 2019 - present
Assistant Professor, Hanyan Univ.
Gi Ju Han
- M.S. Thesis
Spin injection&accumulation in lateral Py/Pt/Py spin-valve device - Mar. 1999 - Feb. 2006
B.S., Edpt. of Metal Materials Science and Engineering, Kang-Nung national University - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2008
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2008 - present
CAS(electronic scale)
Kyung Ho Kim
- Ph.D. Thesis
Microstructure and magnetic properties of InAs quantum well and Fe/MgO/InGaAs multilayer structures prepared by molecular beam epitaxy - Mar. 1999 - Feb. 2006
B.S., Edpt. of Metal Materials Science and Engineering, Kang-Nung national University - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2008
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2008 - Aug. 2013
Ph.D., Institute-Academia Course(KU-KIST) - Sep. 2013 -
Post Doc. Course, Yonsei University - Present
Samsung Electroncs
Boo Hyun An
- Ph.D. Thesis
Magnetic and mechanical properties of Ni-Au nanowires - Mar. 1998 - Feb. 2006
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2008
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2008 - Aug. 2013
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2008
Seoul Science Fellowship - Jul. 2014
Post Doc. Course, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE
Do Kyun Kim
- Ph.D. Thesis
Investigation og Magnetic Tunnel Junction Consisting of FeNiSiB in Freelayer - Mar. 2000 - Feb. 2007
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2007 - Aug. 2009
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2009 - Aug. 2013
Ph.D. , Institute-Academia Course(KU-KIST) - Jan. 2014 -
Post Doc. Course, University of California, San Diego - Present
Advanced Materials
Moon Kyu Cho
- M.S. Thesis
Multifunctional Hybrid Nanowires Comprising Ni and Au - Mar. 2002 - Feb. 2007
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2009
M.S., Program in Micro/Nano Systems., KU - Mar. 2009 - present
LG Chem. TS&D
Soo Jung No
- Ph.D. Thesis
A study on the current induced domain wall motions in magnetic nanowires - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2006
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2012
Unified M.S. & Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Apr. 2012 -
Postdoctoral Fellow, Germany - Present
Hyundai Motors
Hye Min Ji
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and Characterization of Phase Changeable Ag2Se Nanowires - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2007
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2009
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011
LG Chem. - Mar. 2011 - present
Seoul St. Mary's Hospital
Ji Sung Lee
- Ph.D. Thesis
A study of the magnetic properties of magnetite nanoparticles and their arrays - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2008
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2008 - Feb. 2015
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2015 - present
Hyundai Motor company
Ah Young Song
- M.S. Thesis
Multifunctional Fe3O4-AuPt Core-shell nanoparticles - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2008
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2008 - Feb. 2010
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2009
The Korean Intellectual Commissioner's Award(2009 Campus Patent Strategy Universiade) - Sep. 2011 - present
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jae Ho Jeong
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles - Mar. 1999 - Feb. 2007
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2011 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Do Hyung Kim
- M.S. Thesis
MgO Magnetic Tunnel Junction with NiFeSiB amorphous ferromagnetic layer - Mar. 2002 - Feb. 2009
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2011 - Aug. 2011
Hyosung - Sep. 2011 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
In Tak Jeon
- M.S. Thesis
Barcode and Core-shell Nanowires containing Optical and Magnetic Materials by Electrodeposition - Mar. 2003 - Feb. 2009
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU(National Science & Technology Scholarship) - Oct. 2007
Arwarded 3rd place(Steel University Korea Challenge) - Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2011
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU(National Graduate Science & Technolohy Scholarship) - Feb. 2009
The Korean Intellectual Commissioner's Award(2009 Campus Patent Strategy Universiade) - Mar. 2011 - Aug. 2012
Researcher in Pioneer Research Center for Biomedical Nanocrystals - Sep. 2012 -
Ph.D. Candidate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A. - Present
Samsung Electronics
Yeon Sub Lee
- M.S. Thesis
MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions with a synthetic free layer consisting of CoFeB/Ru/Reffomagnet - Mar. 2004 - Aug. 2009
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Sep. 2009 - Feb. 2012
M.S., Institute-Academia Course(KU-KIST) - Mar. 2012 - May. 2014
Ph.D., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU
Seung jae Yoon
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of CoFe/Au Multisegmented Nanowires - Mar. 2002 - Feb. 2009
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2010 - Feb. 2012
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2012 - present
LG Chem.
Seung Hyun Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Magnetic properties of CoFeSiB-Pd thin films - Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2010
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2010 - Aug. 2012
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2012 - present
Magnachip (Military service)
Bong Gun Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Dimensional dependence of magentic properties of CoFe/Au barcode nanowires - Mar. 2004 - Feb. 2011
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2013
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Jan. 2013 - present
LG Chem.
Ha Young Yoon
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and magnetic properties of MnxZnyFe3-x-yO4 ferrite nanoparticles - Mar. 2005 - Feb. 2011
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2013
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Jan. 2013 - present
Hyundai Motor Company
Ji Seok Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO-Ag composite nanocrystals - Mar. 2005 - Feb. 2012
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2012 - Feb. 2014
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2014 -
LG Chem. - Present
Georgia Tech.
Ki Ha Kim
- M.S. Thesis
Investigation of MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions with amorphous CoFeSiB layer - Mar. 2005 - Feb. 2012
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2012 - Feb. 2014
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU
Hyun Ah Cho
- M.S. Thesis
Hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanowire arrays for gene delivery - Mar. 2009 - Feb. 2013
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2013 - Feb. 2015
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2015 - present
LG Chem.
Young Soo Choi
- M.S. Thesis
Synthesis and magnetic properties of MnxFe3-xO4 ferrite nanoparticles - Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2013
BS., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2013 - Feb. 2015
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2015 - present
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Woo Seung Ham
- Mar. 2007- Feb. 2014
B.S., Dept. of Materials science and engineering, KU - Mar. 2014- Feb. 2016
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU & Eng., Ocean University of China - Feb. 2016 - Feb.2019
Ph.D, Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., Kyoto Univ. - Present
Samsung Electronics

Suyue Jin
- Sep. 2010 - Jun.2014
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., Ocean University of China - Sep. 2014 - Aug. 2016
M.S., Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Present
Small & Medium Business corporation

Ji Beom Shin
- Mar. 2010 - Feb.2015
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2017
M.S. , Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2017 - Present
SK Hynix

Da Yeon Nam,
- Mar. 2012 - Feb.2016
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2018
M.S. ,Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2018 - Present
SK Hynix

Li Jun Pan,
- Sep. 2011 - Jul.2015
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2018
M.S. , Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2018 - Present
BOE technology group

Thin Film
Yong Jin Kim
- Mar. 2007 - Feb.2014
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2020
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course,
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU

Bum Chul Park p23rd@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2006 - Feb.2012
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Sep. 2012 - Aug. 2018
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course,
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Sep. 2012 - Aug. 2018
Ph.D, Materials Science and Engineering, KU - Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2021
Reseach Professor, Research Institute of Engineering and Technology, Korea University - Oct. 2021 - present
Research Professor, Michigan University

Yoo Sang Jeon chunyoosang@korea.ac.kr
Nanowire, Nanoparticle
- Mar. 2010 - Feb.2014
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2020
Ph.D, Materials Science and Engineering, KU - Mar. 2020 - Oct. 2021
Research Professor, Institute of Engineering Research, Korea University - Nov. 2021 - present
Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Eunmin Yoo
- Mar. 2013- Feb. 2018
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020
M.S., Dept of Advanced Materials Eng, KU - Mar. 2020 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Myeong Soo Kim
- Mar. 2012 - Feb. 2018
Double major in B.S., Div. of Biomedical Engineering and B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020
M.S., Dept of Advanced Materials Eng, KU

Thin Film
Junho Park
- Mar. 2002 - Feb.2010
B.S., Div. of Chemistry, KU - Jul. 2010 - Present
Samsung Electronics - Mar. 2019 - Aug. 2021
M.S., Dept of Advanced Materials Eng, KU
Thin Film
In Ho Cha, apple_skr@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2009 - Feb.2015
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2022
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate,
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2022 - Present
Samsung Electronics
Thin Film
Gyu Won Kim, matia90@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2010 - Feb.2016
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2022
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate,
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2022 - Present
Samsung Electronics
Nanowire, Nanoparticle
Min Jun Ko, potoman007@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2010 - Aug. 2016
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Sep. 2016 - Feb. 2022
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate,
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Mar. 2022- Present
Research Professor, Northwestern University
Seunghyun Kim, tmdgus464@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2014- Feb.2020
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2020- Feb. 2022
Master’s Course Candidate
Dept of Advanced Materials Eng. KU - Mar. 2022- Present
Samsung Electronics

Hyeon Su Park, hyeonsupark93@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2014- Feb.2020
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2020- Feb. 2022
Master’s Course Candidate
Dept of Advanced Materials Eng. KU
Taesoon Kim, will9159@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2014- Feb.2020
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2020- Feb. 2022
Master’s Course Candidate
Dept of Advanced Materials Eng. KU - Mar. 2022 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Thin film
Taehyun Kim, imtaehyunkim@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2013- Feb. 2017
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2017- Aug. 2022
Integrated Mater's & Doctor's Coarse Candidate
Dept of Advanced Materials Eng. KU - Aug. 2022 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Yong Su Jo, dydtn17@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2010- Feb. 2016
B.S., Div. of Advanced Metal and Materials Eng., GWNU - Mar. 2016- Feb. 2018
M.S. Div. of Advanced Metal and Materials Eng., GWNU - Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2022
Doctor's Course Candidate
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU

Nanoparticle, Nanofiber
Sang won Byun, scskygood@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2012- Feb. 2017
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2017- . Aug. 2023
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2024 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Jun Hwan Moon, answnsghks@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2011- Feb. 2018
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2018- . Feb. 2024
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2024 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Thin Film
Minhyeok Lee, mikii93@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2012- Feb. 2018
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Mar. 2018- . Feb. 2024
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2024 - Present
Samsung Electronics

Thomas Myeongseok Koo, rtyuiox@korea.ac.kr
- Mar. 2012- Aug. 2018
B.S., Div. of Materials Sci. & Eng., KU - Aug. 2018- . Feb. 2024
Integrated Master's & Doctor's Course Candidate
Dept. of Advanced Materials Eng., KU - Feb. 2024 - Present
Samsung SDI