Ph.D. candidate S. H. Kim, unified master's & doctor's course candidate, B. C. Park, Y. J. Kim, and I. H. Cha, and master's course candidate J. B. Shin, S. Kim attended 'International Conference - Advances in Functional Materials - AFM-2016, Jeju Island, South Korea
8월 8일부터 11일까지 제주도에서 개최된 International Conference - Advances in Functional Materials에 참석하였다. 이번 학회에는 Ph.D 과정 김수효, 석박통합과정 박범철, 김용진, 차인호, 석사과정 신지범, 김소월이 참석하였다.
- 김수효 (Poster) : Activity of dimensional converged MnO2-CeO2 prepared by electrodeposition for selective catalytic reduction of Nox gases
- 박범철 : Photonic Reactions of Magnetic Multi-Granule Nanoclusters-Polymer Composite induced by Photothermal effect
- 김용진 : Investigation of perpendicular magnetic
anisotropy at high annealing temperatures in CoFeSiB-Pd multilayers and
co-deposited alloy film
- 차인호 (Poster) : Investigation of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction in Non-magnetic Materials/Ferromagnetic structures
- 신지범 : ZnO nanowires-Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) nanofibers composites for Solid Cancer Therapy
- 김소월 : Effect of magnetic core size of Fe3O4-mesoporous
SiO2 core-shell nanoparticles on Removal of heavy metal ions