Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Prof. Kim)

 Prof. Kim is selected as a Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology.

Vice President for Business of Korean Magnetics Society (Prof. Kim)

 Prof. Kim is appointed as Vice President for Business of Korean Magnetics Society. He will serve the term from January 2015 to December 2016.

2014 Homecoming Day

 Previous, Current researchers held Homecoming day located in Gangnam, Korea on Dec. 20, 2014. 
 강남 BANBAN 에서 홈커밍데이를 열었다. 홈커밍데이는 매년 5월과 12월에 연간 2회 개최되고 있다.

BK workshop

 M.S. candidate Y. J. Kim and Prof. Kim attended BK workshop held in San Diego, USA on December 9 ~ 13, 2014. 
 석사과정 김용진과 김영근 교수는 BK workshop 에 참석하였다.

Prof. Kim's BIRTHDAY

 Prof. Kim's birthday is on Dec. 1, 2014.
 All researchers celebrated his birthday.
 Happy birthday, Prof. Kim !

2014 International Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2014 한국자기학회 동계학술대회 참석)

 M.S. candidate, Y. J. Kim attended 'International Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials' held in Muju, Japan on November 27 ~ 29, 2014.
 무주에서 개최된 한국자기학회 동계학술대회 참석를 참석하였다. 동계 자기학회는 춘계, 추계를 번갈아 연간 2회 개최된다. 

 발표 내용 
  • 김용진 (Poster) : 비정질 FeNiSiB 층을 삽입한 CoFeSiB/Pd 다층박막의 수직자기이방성 연구

2014 Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE)

 M.S. candidates, H. A. Cho, Y. S. Jeon, Dr. E. J. Kim and Prof. Kim attended 'Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment 2014' held in Jeju, Korea on October 16 ~ 19, 2014. 
 석사과정 전유상, 조현아, 박사과정 김수효, 김유진 박사와 김영근 교수가 ENGE 2014 에 참석하였다.

발표 내용 
  •  전유상 (Oral) : Fe doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays for Formaldehyde Gas Detection 
  •  조현아(Oral) : Planar and curved polyimide membranes fabricated using ZnO nanowire array templates 
  •  김수효(Oral) : CeO2 Nanocrystal-embedded Catalytic Cordierite Disc Filters for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOX Gases
  •  김유진 박사(Oral) : Analysis of Photonic Activation Properties of Magnetic Nanoclusters in Cells