2020 추계 대한금속재료학회

Graduate students S. H. Kim and D. B. Lee in our lab attended the '2020 Fall virtual conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials' held on Oct. 28~30, 2020.

2020년 10월 28~30일 온라인으로 개최된 2020년도 추계 대한금속 재료학회에 참석하였다.
이번 추계 대한금속 재료학회에 대학원생 김승현과 이대범이 참석하였다.


  • 김승현: Composition-driven structure transformation and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Co-W nanowires
  • 이대범: Bio-mineralization 형성 과정을 모사한 Poly(lactic acid)(PLA) 섬유 ZnO 나노선 복합체의 합성 메커니즘


NANO Korea 2020

Graduate student J. H. Moon in our lab attended the 'NANO Korea 2020' held in KINTEX, Korea on July 1~3, 2020.

2020년 7월 1~3일 KINTEX에서 개최된 나노코리아 2020에 참석하였으며, 대학원생 문준환이 참석하였다.


문준환 (Poster): Single Co and Co-W Nanowire for Studying Electrical Properties and Microstructural Evolution to Alternate Interconnect Materials

KMS 2020 summer conference

Graduate students T. H. Kim and M. H. Lee in our lab attended the 'KMS 2020 summer conference' held in Gangneung, Korea on July 19~21, 2020.

2020년 7월 19~21일 강릉에서 개최된 2020년도 하계학술대회에 참석하였다.

이번 동계정기학술대회에는 대학원생 김태현 이민혁이 참석하였다


김태현 (Poster): Effect of MgO spacer layer between Pt and CoFeSiB on interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

이민혁 (Poster): Interfacial Engineering Induced Spin-Orbit Torque Switching Current Reduction in W/W-N/CoFeB structures

The 58th winter annual conference of the Korean vacuum society

Research professor Y. S. Jeon and graduate students M. J. Ko, Thomas M. S. Koo, J. H. Moon, M. H. Lee in our lab attended the 'The 58th winter annual conference of the Korean vacuum society' held in Gangwon, Korea on Feb. 9~ 12, 2020.

2020년 2월 9~12일 강원도에서 개최된 제 58회 한국진공학회 동계정기학술대회에 참석하였다.

이번 동계정기학술대회에는 연구교수 전유상과 대학원생 고민준, 구명석, 문준환, 이민혁이 참석하였다.


  • 전유상 (Oral): Crystallization process of helical nanostructures via template assisted electrodeposition method
  • 고민준 (Poster): Strategy to control magnetic coercivity by elucidating crystallization pathway-dependent microstructural evolution of magnetite mesocrystals
  • 문준환 (Poster): 전기도금법을 이용한 반도체 배선소재용 저저항 소재 연구
  • 이민혁 (Poster): 중금속/Nb/CoFeB/MgO 구조에서 스핀전류의 확산적 거동 분석
  • 구명석 (Poster): Fe3O4-Tb nanoparticles detectable bacterial spores

2019 Materials Research Society fall meeting

Research professor B. C. Park in our lab attended the '2019 Materials Research Society fall meeting' held in Boston on Dec. 1 ~ 6, 2019.

연구교수 박범철이 12월 1 ~ 6일 보스턴에서 개최된 '2019 Materials Research Society fall meeting'에 참석하였다.


  • 박범철 (Poster) : Crystallization pathway controlled microstructural evolution of magnetite mesocrystals


How to store cipher data in magnetic skyrmions

Scientists of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) with international collaborators propose direct magnetic writing of skyrmions, i.e. magnetic quasiparticles, and skyrmion lattices, within which it is possible to encode, transmit, process information, and produce topological patterns with a resolution of less than 100 nanometers.

This brings closer miniaturized post-silicon electronics, new topological cryptography techniques, and green data centers, reducing the load on the Earth's ecosystem significantly.

A related paper appears in ACS Nano ("Magnetic Direct-Write Skyrmion Nanolithography").

Skyrmion lattice formation. (Image: FEFU)

International scientific teams are intensively looking for alternative materials and approaches to replace silicon electronics devices based on CMOS technology (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor). The major drawback of this technology is the size of contemporary transistors based on it. Physical impossibility to further miniaturizing them implies the future development of the electronics industry is under question.

One of the promising alternatives to CMOS transistors is thin-film magnetic materials with layers from one to several nanometers thick, in which skyrmions, nontrivial magnetic structures, are formed under certain conditions.

In the study, researchers claim they have designed close-packed stable arrays of skyrmions via affecting a thin-film magnetic structure by the local magnetic field of a magnetic force microscope probe.

Thus, the team pioneered topological nanolithography, getting nanoscale topological patterns where each individual skyrmion acts as a pixel, just like in digital photography. Such skyrmion pixels are not visible in the optical range and to decode them, as well as to create them, one needs a magnetic force microscope.

"Skyrmions driven by current pulses can be used as basic elements mimic the action potential of biological neurons to create neuromorphic chips. Arrays of chips with each tiny neuron element communicating with another one by means of moving and interacting skyrmions, will have energy efficiency and high computing power", says Alexander Samardak, one of the authors of the research idea, FEFU Vice-President for Research. "Another interesting field is visual or topological cryptography. In that case, a message is encrypted as a topological pattern which is a set of ordered skyrmions. Deciphering such a message will require, first, knowledge of the coordinates of the nanoscale image and, second, the availability of a special gear as a magnetic force microscope with high sensitivity to stray fields of skyrmions. Attempting to hack the message with incorrectly selected parameters for reading the topological image will lead to its destruction. Currently, about 25 MB of information can be recorded on a square millimeter of a magnetic thin film. By reducing the size of skyrmions to 10 nm, a capacity of 2.5 Gb / mm2 can be achieved."

The limitation of the approach is that the speed of recording of information with local point magnetic fields. It is still very slow, which curbs the approach from mass implementation.

Alexander Samardak said that the team learned how to regulate the size and density of the skyrmions packing, controlling the scanning step (a distance between two adjacent scanning lines) with a probe of the magnetic force microscope. It expands the possible future applications.

For example, if the skyrmions have a size of less than 100 nanometers, they can be used as a base for reservoir computing, reconfigurable logic, and magnonic crystals which are the basis of magnonic processors and microwave communication devices in the sub-THz and THz range. Such devices will be much more energy-efficient compared to existing electronics. That paves the way for future green and high-performance data centers.

"Skyrmion can be a carrier of information bits. That is possible due to the skyrmion polarization, i.e. positions "up" or "down" which relates to well-known "0" or "1". Hence, skyrmions can be basic elements for magnetic or racetrack memory. Such devices, in contrast to hard magnetic disks, will have no mechanical parts, bits of information will move by themselves. Moreover, ordered two-dimensional arrays of skyrmions can play the role of artificial magnonic crystals, through which not electric current but spin waves propagate transmitting information from a source to a receiver without heating the working elements," Alexey Ognev says, the first author of the article, Head of the FEFU Laboratory for thin-film technologies.

Using the developed technology, scientists plan to scale down the size of skyrmions and develop practical devices based on them.


Far eastern Federal University, "How to store cipher data in magnetic skyrmions", 2020년 11월 30일, www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=56726.php

Magnetic Direct-Write Skyrmion Nanolithography ACS Nano 14, 14960–14970 (2020)
[doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04748]

The 31st Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics (JIWON)

Our laboratory members attended 'The 31st Joint Interlaboratory Workshop on Nano-Magnetics' held in Sendai, Japan on  January 27 ~ 30, 2020.


일본 Tohoku대 전자공학과 Sahashi교수님 연구실, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) 연구실과 31번째 JIWON 워크샵을 가졌다.