Prof. Kim gave an Plenary talk on August 22 during the ASCO-NANOMAT 2015 held in Vladivostok, Russia.

 ASCO-NANOMAT 2015 (Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials) held on August 19~22, Vladivostok, Russia, invited Prof. Kim to deliver a plenary talk on the topic of "Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of 1D magnetic nanochains’.

Samsung Electronics-Korea University Research Program (삼성전자-고려대 전략산학연구)

 Our laboratory will participate in the Samsung Electronics-Korea University Research Program for next five years. 
 (우리 연구실은 향후 5년간 삼성전자-고려대 전략산학연구에 참여할 예정이다)

Mr. Yoo Sang Jeon is selected as a recipient of the Global Ph.D. Fellowship course sponsored by National Research Foundation of Korea (석박통합과정 전유상, 한국연구재단 글로벌 박사 펠로우쉽 지원자로 최종선정)

Mr. Yoo Sang Jeon is selected as a recipient of the Global Ph.D. Fellowship course sponsored by National Research Foundation of Korea 

석박통합과정 전유상 연구원이 한국연구재단 글로벌 박사 펠로우쉽 지원자로 최종선정되었습니다.


Dr. Boo Hyun An visits our lab (연구실 동문 안부현 박사 방문)

Dr. Boo Hyun An has visited our lab during the summer vacation! Dr. An is an alumnus of our lab and, currently, he is a post-doctoral fellow at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

MK News on Our Research Outcome (연구성과 매일경제 보도)

MK News has reported our recent research result on July 19, 2015.

In this July, we have published a paper in Scientific Reports, a journal published by Nature Publishing Group

The title of this paper is 'Magnetic multi-granule nanoclusters: A model system that exhibits universal size effect of magnetic coercivity'.

2015 Project Review Workshop in Jeju as part of Nano-Material Technology Development Program (2015 나노ㆍ소재원천기술개발사업 연구개발과제 제주 워크샵)

 2015 Project Review Workshop in Jeju as part of Nano-Material Technology Development Program 
 (2015 나노ㆍ소재원천기술개발사업 연구개발과제 제주 워크샵) 

 This research was supported by Nano-Material Technology Development Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (No. 2014M3A7B4052192) 

 Graduate students in our lab, J. B. Shin, S. Jin, W. S. Ham, B. C. Park, and Prof. Y. K. Kim as well as research members from Korea University, Seoul National University, and Amogreen Tech attended this workshop held in Hana Hotel, Jeju, Korea on June 11 ~ 13, 2015. 
 6월 11 ~ 13일 제주도 하나호텔에서 개최된 과제 워크샵에 우리 연구실 김영근 교수, 대학원생 박범철, 함우승, 김소월과 신지범이 참석하였으며, 과제에 참여하는 고려대, 서울대 연구실과 참여기업 아모그린텍 연구원들이 참여하였다.

2015 International Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2015 한국자기학회 하계학술대회)

  Unified master's & doctor's course candidate, Y. J. Kim, W. S. Ham and B. C. Park attended 'International Symposium on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials' held in Haeundae Korea on May 28 ~ 30, 2015.
 5월 28 ~ 30일 해운대 한화리조트에서 개최된 한국자기학회 하계학술대회에 참석하였다. 이번 하계학술대회에는 석박통합과정 박범철, 함우승과 전유상이 참석하였다. 

 발표 내용 
  • 박범철 (Poster) : Analysis of photonic activation properties of magnetic nanoclusters in cells
  • 전유상, 함우승 (Poster) : Magnetotransport properties of 1-dimensional magnetic nanoparticle array